Monday, May 9, 2011

Blade Runner/BTAS

Yessss, I believe it's now time for the "Matthew Reagan catch-up blog posts for lit/film class" hour......... (Probably going to take me longer than an actual hour) Let's start light: In the film, Blade Runner, there is the character of J.F. Sebastian, a genius designer who works for the Tyrell Corporation and also suffers from progeria. Now I brought this up in class a long time ago and I thought I would expand for this is kind of my nerd area of expertise. I am, of course, referring to the character of Karl Rossum from Batman: The Animated Series or BTAS. Rossum is a total wink of the eye to the character of Sebastian; He is a creator of robots and advanced toys and is even voiced by the same actor who played Sebastian, William Sanderson. (a fantastic actor that plays dopey better than the best. See him in Deadwood for a prime example) Even more fascinating than this clever inclusion of the character is the selection of the name Rossum. This goes back to the play from 1921, R.U.R. or Rossum's Universal Robots. Wikipedia provides a fascinating read about it; the best part being where the word Robot actually originated from this play. Awesome! check it out:

Video of the BTAS character:

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