Sunday, April 10, 2011

HIroshima and the Confused Memory

In the beginning scene of the movie Hiroshima mon Amor, the man is questioning the woman what she remembers or if she remembers Hiroshima and when she answers, he diligently responds with denying her the recalled memory. My thoughts after seeing this scene, I couldn't help but wonder if the two intertwined people we are seeing are in fact her and this man or glimpses of her memory with her deceased lover back when Hiroshima was attacked. With this in mind, this would support the that what we were seeing and what she was recalling, in the picture like memories would in fact be true because she remembers her previous lover and also is recalling the memories of Hiroshima, however she may just have intertwined these harsh and hurtful memories together unable to separate them. This arises an interesting point or portrayal of these past memories through the director and what he intended to accomplish with this inital scene in the movie.

1 comment:

  1. This really reminds me of trigger objects and words. You associate something with something else. For example, if you get hit with a football and broke your nose, every time you see a football, you think of that particular memory. I think this is the case for Elle.
