Monday, April 18, 2011

Is "Apocalypse Now" true to the novel "Heart of Darkness"?

I think that the themes are the same between the to two pieces but I don't think the movie is an exact depiction of the book. I see it as a more modernization of the book because Apocalypse Now's setting and time is different than the "Heart of Darkness". I agree that it has the same kind of characters and plot but the time is completely different. Any comments? Agree or disagree? -Danielle Holub


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I honestly don't think the director ever intended for it to be an exact depiction of the book or said it was, otherwise it would of been set in the Congo during Belgium Colonization and probably would of been called Heart of Darkness....I mean its hard to disagree otherwise.

  3. The book and film are very similar, but I don't think that the director was trying to make an exact adaptation. He took some of the themes and events, and made them to fit his own story.

  4. The film and the book are both made in different times for different audiences. Some things simply couldn't be copied. The biggest wedge placed between the book and the film is that the director had a message that he wanted to send about the conflict in Vietnam.
