Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hiroshima Mon Amour Language Barrier

I think a very interesting scene in the movie is towards the end. Lui is at a station with Elle and a Japanese lady is between them. The Japanese lady talks to Lui asking him about French woman and what's wrong with her. In the script, that particular scene was suppose to be completely untranslated in film, not giving the audience the chance to understand what exactly they're talking about. They both speak Japanese, a language the French woman doesn't understand. It's funny how this particular scene wasn't translated for the audience. What do you think the purpose of this scene was? Why was it not translated exactly for the audience? My own little theory is that since the french woman doesn't understand the language, the audience too shouldn't understand it either, unless you know Japanese. But why?

Just something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. I think maybe it is to further prove the point of the Japanese main character that the French woman doesn't have the capacity to understand what is going on around her and within the tragedy that he suffered through Hiroshima. Much like her inability to understand Japanese, she doesn't fully get the scope of the tragedy, and it may be a comment that we as an audience don't either.
