Sunday, April 3, 2011

An interesting thought via candy95...

So I was listening to the radio the other morning and they were discussing a new facebook app that is in development stages that really reminded me of class and the themes of the uncanny and machines mimicking humans. Basically the app allows a guy (I'm sure a girl version will be developed soon as well) to make a fake girlfriend to make other girls think he is unavailable and thus want to date him...this goes beyond just making a fake facebook account. He can provide information to facebook about a compatable type for him and then "she" will write on his wall and be controlled by facebook itself. He can send updates about his life so "she" can make timely relevant posts. When a real person does eventually show interest he just has to notify facebook that he needs a "breakup". This is the extent of my knowledge on this application, but it was interesting to me and would add a whole new element to facebook in regards to figuring out what is actually real, or not. I can't quite figure out the logistics of what they are promising or if it will ever be widely used, but it is kind of unsettling nonetheless. One point the host brought up was, what if the guy starts to fall for this "girlfriend" that is showing so much attention. This of course was exactly the problem in the Sandman. What do you all think of this program, will it ever be widely used or is it something to just get people to talk about facebook more?

1 comment:

  1. I think the people who use the program is just pathetic. Just because a guy is dating someone doesn't mean you want him more. But I do understand that some girls are like that. I hear plenty of stories where girls don't care for a guy at first, but when they get a girlfriend they have a change of heart. Typical. Tsk tsk.

    But this story also reminds me of another one. Where an asian guy married a video game character. Here's the link.

    It makes you think what our world is coming into.
