Monday, April 25, 2011

Racism in Heart of Darkness?

In class we were discussing the two articles that are about the Heart of Darkness novel. Chinua Achebe claims that Conrad is a racist but Edward Said sympathizes with Conrad. I would agree with Said because yes it may look like racism to us but you have to remember that Conrad was born in a different century where saying things a certain way was normal. I believe that he grew up in a certain environment and when he was exposed to another he described it the only way he knew how which was different than what he was used to. Everyone is susceptible to thinking that another culture is different or weird just because it is not like his or her own. Any other comments?

-Danielle Holub


  1. I agree. Conrad lived in a period of time in which the concept of racism was not what it is today. So when someone reads Conrads words in a period of time and situation that is unlike Conrads it is easy to take his words in manner that he may never have meant.

  2. I agree also. Conrad lived in a time where his "racist" thoughts were the norm. Although Achebe claims that his obsession with blackness was overwhelming, I don't think that Conrad meant it in that way. As said before in class, I think Africa was merely used as a backdrop for the book.

  3. Yeah, I mostly felt it a sign of the times. Something, to a degree, of an unintentional racism.
