Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blade Runner Themes

I really thought Blade Runner was very interesting.

One of the main apparent themes in the movie is the dystopia future that the movie portrays. What strikes me the most is the idea that the the world the movie shows is one that is not very clean and extremely poor. Everyone in the movie wore shabby and dreary clothes except for the big boss with his bright, rich room. The world is corrupted and ruled by big corporations. You see people in the streets often and police enforcing the rules in the streets as well. It's a theme that is often used over and over in books and movies.

It's funny how the Tyrell Corporation and the big boss, or the person who designed the replicants, are portrayed as this massive corporation playing god in designing these replicants. Heck they even make fake animals. Could it be because there are no animals left? But they also make these replicants as slaves for work.

What did you all think about the corporation and it's massive power in designing these creatures?

Another theme is the soul and the eyes. There are plenty of scenes concerning the eyes in Blade Runner. The guy who makes the eyes, testing replicants by also showing close ups of their eyes, and killing people by crushing their eyes and head. Coming back to the eye stuff we talked about early in the semester, the eyes are a pathway to the soul. Could the movie be saying that the replicants could have a soul considering they have emotions?

Just something to think about.

Olga Martinez


  1. The eyes were a bit... uncanny:)

  2. I think its interesting how Tyrell Corporation was the one who built the replicants and also added in a fail safe 4 year life for the new Nexus 6 replicants. The theme of technology is so evident and many would say that newer and better technology is suppose to be beneficial to soceity and yet Deckard is asked to kill off the replicants. Right off the bat the opening scene of the film portrays Los Angeles as decayed and gloomy (where did all this technology get them?...no where). The humans that live on Earth seek the Off-World and the replicants desire to live on Earth like real human beings. However, we've seen this sort of idea in many modern films today (I, Robot) and the fear that technology will one day out-smart its creator.

    I'm not sure what the films intent was on the idea of eyes acting as the pathway to the soul but the Tyrell Corporation's biggest fear was that the replicants would become too human. It can certainly be argued that this was the film's intent. Also, the only form of love and affection we see throughout the film is between Pris and Batty and Deckard and Rachel (all replicants).
