Friday, March 18, 2011

Our Hours

When talking about time in class, one thing I mostly thought about is the importance of time in our lives. I read somewhere that Virginia Woolf was going to name her her novel Mrs. Dalloway "The Hours". And it reminded me of the fact that the idea of time is important in our lives based on hours. We do things according to the time of day. (Well this mostly applies to non-college students since most of college student's time is not considered stable compared to others.) But it makes me think that time is important in our lives as well as the hour of each day in the way we live each day of our lives. I thought it was interesting when Mrs. Dalloway takes notes of the time of day the same as we take note of the time of day as well. And as time passes, we count down the hours to our day, to our week, to our month, and to our year.

Which brings me to ask the question, what if we didn't much care about the time of hour in our lives? Or even time itself. How different would our lives would be? It's something to think about that crossed my mind.

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